
Nemad yazd farming and industry co

The main activity of this company is in the field of packaging and export of agricultural and greenhouse products such as cucumber, pumpkin, tomato, eggplant, watermelon, pepper, apple, kiwi, pomegranate, pistachio, date, etc.


And so far, it has exported with excellent quality and diverse packaging to various countries including Russia, South Korea, Greece, Macedonia, Albania, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, UAE and Oman.

The rights and professional ethics are the credibility of our work

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Why U.S ?

Yazd Symbol Agriculture Cooperative Company was established under the registration number 539 in 1984 with a license to produce, package and export agricultural products with Seyed Wali Porfashmi as its managing director.

which has turned this company into a reliable and well-known group in the field of fruit and vegetable export despite the management and experienced experts.

In 1987, this company succeeded in obtaining the statue of exporter of samples, and in 1993, it succeeded in obtaining the statue of producer of samples of greenhouse products.

The main activity of this company is in the field of packaging and export of agricultural and greenhouse products such as cucumber, pumpkin, tomato, eggplant, watermelon, pepper, apple, kiwi, pomegranate, pistachio, date, etc.

And so far, it has exported with excellent quality and diverse packaging to various countries including Russia, South Korea, Greece, Macedonia, Albania, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, UAE and Oman.

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